1. Find an appropriate edge
As you enter a pose, move slowly and gently into the suggested shape. Pause and listen to your body feedback. Look for an appropriate amount of intensity, a balance between sensation and space. Do not go to your maximum possibility, as you will hold the posture for a while. Relax and breath into the pose in order to explore each subtle layer along the way to your deep resting place.
2. Be still
Don't try to fix or change the pose, to intensify it, or to escape the sensations. Consciously try to release into the shape. Doing that helps you relax the muscles around the connective tissues you are most attempting to influence. In addition, moving can cause unsafe stress on the connective tissue, causing injury. To be safe, hold statically at the edge of your range of motion and engage muscles around sensitive areas or use props when needed.
3. Hold for a while
It is recommended to hold from 1 to 3 minutes for beginners and up to 5 minutes or more for advanced practitioners. Substantial holds train the mind to respond skillfully to difficult circumstances. They teach you that you don't need comfort to feel at ease. Instead of contracting around feelings and sensations, invite space and breathe steadily.
4. Release with extra special care
In Yin practice you put your body into long holds with joints in vulnerable positions. These might be dangerous if you move into or out of them too quickly or aggressively. As you come out of the poses, use your hands to support your legs and to lightly contract the muscles that oppose the openings you've been working.
Royal Pigeon pose Yoga
Spinal twist yoga
yoga pose
Royal Pigeon pose Yoga